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Our LocationSikanderpur,Gaushala Campus, Near Rani Sati Mandir, Muzaffarpur


At A Glance

Adarsh Vidya Mandir was established on 26th January 1966 on the auspicious occasion of Vasant Panchami with the prayer and offerings to the Goddess of Learning "Maa Shardey"

                 Adarsh Vidya Mandir, managed by Thok Vastra Vikreta Trust, dedicates itself to the best and complete mental, physical, and spiritual development of the child. The teaching staff members are devoted to giving education to the students, guiding and directing them most politely and generously. 

               Adarsh Vidya Mandir has three wings. The Junior wing is located at New Market, Muzaffarpur, and the Senior wing is located at Bank Road, Muzaffarpur, about Sikandrapur Goushala,

               Adarsh Vidya Mandir is an exclusive CBSE Curriculum English Medium School aiming at excellence in education using the latest technology like computers, library, etc. combined with other activities for the total personality development of your children enabling them to gain valuable self-confidence to adopt a modern progressive outlook. 

              The educational system of our School is a perfect blend of Indian culture and heritage along with modern educational trends. The aim of Adarsh Vidya Mandir is to strive for quality and excellence in education with equal emphasis on the teaching of essential values and virtues to be a good human being. No student is allowed to bring gifts, presents return gifts, etc. to school to mark her/other's birthday or for any other occasion. At the most, a student will be allowed to distribute 2 toffees per student in the section. Gifts for the teaching and non-teaching and any other staff are not allowed. Students are not allowed to bring any sharp instruments to school. 

                   Students coming to school on bicycles must ensure that the same is locked. Students must not ride around on the school premises on bicycles. Students who come to school under the care of guardians/attendants/rickshaw pullers should never leave before they arrive to take them back. In case of delay, they should report to the school office.  Students are required to go straight back home after school. No child will be handed over to a person not known to the teacher/security. Students are warned not to buy anything from the street vendors. Students are expected to bring homemade vegetarian food in their tiffins. Non-vegetarian food is strictly not allowed on the school premises. 

                   Discipline in school life is very important for students.  We can't be well educated without discipline. Talking loudly in corridors, classrooms, assembly areas,s or other places in the school is not permitted. Silence must be maintained when the assembly is in progress. Occupy your mind in reading, solving puzzles, and completing assignments, when you are free, Please queue up while moving from one class to another or when waiting for your turn for anything. Children should assemble in their respective classrooms as soon as they reach school. No pupil is exempted from Games and Physical Training without a Medical Certificate. The period of exemption should be specified. Change of classrooms between periods should be done in silence and an orderly manner. School appointees should wear their respective badges daily. On their birthdays, students (till Class V) are free to wear clothes of their choice that conform to norms of modesty. Photography and videography of the celebration are strictly not allowed. Spoken English is encouraged in the school and within the school premises. Students are neither allowed to use the school telephone without permission nor can they be called to answer phone calls during class hours. Every student must cover her notebooks/textbooks properly and label them positively. Extra books, newspapers, or periodicals must not be brought to the school without prior permission of the school authorities. No collection for any purpose whatsoever shall be made in the school without the prior permission of the Principal. Money should not be lent or borrowed, nor articles be exchanged by the students among themselves. Any photograph to be attested by the Head of the School must be snapped in school uniform only.  Unauthorized photography is not allowed in the school.

                   Grey Cards are given to students for any act of indiscipline. Grey Card is intended as a warning to the students. Three Grey Cards will result in the suspension of the student from 7 to 14 days depending upon the gravity of the indiscipline. Suspension from the School is also a warning that the student is in immediate danger of being dismissed from the school. The Principal and the Discipline Committee reserve the right to suspend a student attending school and to determine the period of suspension.